
<aside> 🥱 I’m lazy, tell me what I need to know in one minute or less…


<aside> 💡 GOAL: Understand what a growth mindset entails, how stress can be used as a tool for enhancing performance, and develop a skillset and way of thinking that increases motivation, drive, and resilience throughout the learning process.



1. Growth Mindset

2. Stress

3. Toolkit for Success


How to Enhance Performance & Learning by Applying a Growth Mindset - Huberman Lab

APA PsycNet

Praise for Intelligence Can Undermine Children’s Motivation and Performance - Mueller Dweck 1998.pdf

A synergistic mindsets intervention protects adolescents from stress - Yeager 2022.pdf

Part One: Growth Mindset

Part Two: Stress

Part Three: Toolkit for Success


<aside> 🧠 A growth mindset is the idea that human intellect is not fixed but can be developed through effort and attention to one's goals. This content highlights the importance of praising effort rather than innate abilities (talent), as research suggests that praising effort leads to improved performance.

Stress is described as a bodily response with both positive and negative effects. It can enhance performance by increasing focus, memory, and problem-solving abilities when framed positively, but it can also be debilitating when viewed negatively. The notes emphasize the role of cognitive understanding in how stress affects an individual, suggesting that a positive mindset towards stress can lead to enhanced performance.

An effective toolkit for success involves self-reflection on one's strengths and weaknesses, as well as seeking input from others to gain a better understanding of one's abilities. This self-awareness can be instrumental in fostering a growth mindset and effectively managing stress to achieve optimal performance, especially when combined with external support from teachers or mentors who share the same mindset.
